Little Hakucho (mid height)

Little Hakucho (mid height)

Category: ISLAND Bed

Open Shelf Cabinet, 2 Door Cabinet, 3 Drawer Cabinet, Open Shelf Cabinet + Table Top, Side Staircase, 1.2M Bed frame with Ladder, 1.2M Bed with Ladder + 3 Drawer Cabinet + Open Shelf Cabinet + Open Cabinet with Table Top (Combo Set), 1.2M Bed with Ladder + Side Staircase + 3 Drawer Cabinet + Open Shelf Cabinet + 2 Door Cabinet (Combo Set)

Bedframe rm 3288  (1.2m twin size)
size L206cm x D136cm x H137cm  
Side staircase rm 1688 
size staircase W44cm x D130cm x H123cm 
3drawer cabinet rm 888 
size W62cm x D48cm x H70 cm
2 door cabinet rm 788
size W62cm x D48cm x H70 cm 
Open shelf cabinet 588
size W62cm x D48cm x H70 cm 
*open shelf cabinet + table top rm888 

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